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Matt Dovey

12:32pm, 20th June 2017

Stories, stories, everywhere

The author, hard at work. (Image shows a child writing with crayons)I am habitually terrible at writing blog posts in a timely fashion (I'm just as bad with the mailing list) and so I have not posted about all the stories I've had out lately. I've had a lot out in the last couple of months, some of them my favourite things. It's been a good year so far!

Here we go:

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TAGS: new story

5:01pm, 13th March 2017

Event Horizon 2017 - the Campbell Anthology

Event Horizon 2017 anthology cover The John W Campbell Award for Best New Writer is awarded at Worldcon each year, alongside the Hugos, for the best new writer (defined as having their first professional publication in the preceding two years).

Muggins here is eligible for the first year, and so I'm in the 2017 anthology of Campbell eligible authors, Event Horizon 2017. It has 75 authors, 350,000 words, and some absolutely incredible stories. And it's free.

Particular thanks to Jake Kerr of Shirtsleeve Press, who stepped up to the mark at the very last minute and put this together in a fortnight when it became clear the previous publisher was dropping the task. He's volunteered his time and infrastructure to put this together and support the Campbell authors, and it's deeply appreciated.


TAGS: award, free

11:20am, 22nd November 2016

Awards Eligibility 2016

It is that time of year where, across the globe, writers are chasing their brain weasels into cages, pulling up a lectern, and nervously presenting their awards eligible work for 2016.

So ignore the plasters on my fingers (the weasels were a bit bitey) and instead let me direct you to The List of Things What I Have Written This Year What I Think You Might Like, Iffn It Please You, Thank You Sirs and Ladies and All Inbetween and Outside Those Narrow Gender Definitions.

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TAGS: award

3:00pm, 1st November 2016

New Story: Quartet of the Far Blown Winds @ FFO

The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field, my favourite mindfuckQuartet of the Far Blown Winds is a story about distance, loneliness, and the vast empty reaches of space. It's about the Fermi Paradox, and my answer to it.

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TAGS: fermi paradox, new story, science, science fiction

12:00pm, 27th October 2016

Homebrewing the Easy Way

Homebrew wine is way easier than you think it is. I mean, you can go down a rabbit hole on it, buying specific varieties of yeast and carefully measuring the specific gravity of the must at particular times, or you can just chuck everything in a demijohn whilst loudly declaring "eh, I'm sure it'll be fine".

This is a post on the latter technique, from first principles.

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TAGS: homebrew

9:15pm, 23rd August 2016

Anatomy of a Golden Pen: Conflict

It took me an embarassingly long time to work this out: conflict is everything.

Do you know what happened to the first story I wrote once I worked it out? When I first focused on deliberately working it into every paragraph? It won WotF.

If you only ever take one piece of advice from me, take this: you need more conflict.

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TAGS: Anatomy of a Golden Pen, wotf32



Matt Dovey is a writer of short speculative fiction. He is very tall, very British, and probably drinking a cup of tea right now. His surname rhymes with “Dopey”, but any other similarities to the dwarf are purely coincidental. More →

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May 1941

I'm a child this time. Five or six years old.

Fully clothed under a bed, on a wooden floor. I touch a hand to my throat, but there is nothing there. I examine my hands and arms, astonished by the smoothness of the skin. At last, I crawl out from beneath the bed and leave the room.

Vincent's Penny by Chris Barnham
PodCastle #628


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