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Matt Dovey

11:20am, 22nd November 2016

Awards Eligibility 2016

It is that time of year where, across the globe, writers are chasing their brain weasels into cages, pulling up a lectern, and nervously presenting their awards eligible work for 2016.

So ignore the plasters on my fingers (the weasels were a bit bitey) and instead let me direct you to The List of Things What I Have Written This Year What I Think You Might Like, Iffn It Please You, Thank You Sirs and Ladies and All Inbetween and Outside Those Narrow Gender Definitions.

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TAGS: award

3:00pm, 1st November 2016

New Story: Quartet of the Far Blown Winds @ FFO

The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field, my favourite mindfuckQuartet of the Far Blown Winds is a story about distance, loneliness, and the vast empty reaches of space. It's about the Fermi Paradox, and my answer to it.

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TAGS: fermi paradox, new story, science, science fiction



Matt Dovey is a writer of short speculative fiction. He is very tall, very British, and probably drinking a cup of tea right now. His surname rhymes with “Dopey”, but any other similarities to the dwarf are purely coincidental. More →

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