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Matt Dovey

5:28pm, 13th March 2018

Event Horizon 2018 - the Campbell Anthology

Event Horizon 2018 anthology cover As with last year, Jake Kerr of Shirtsleeve Press has very kindly compiled the free anthology of stories from the Campbell eligible authors. The John W Campbell Award for Best New Writer is awarded alongside the Hugos, for the best new writer (defined as having their first professional publication in the preceding two years). That, astute reader, includes me, in my second and final year of eligibility.

This year's anthology--available for free again--has nearly a quarter of a million words' worth of fiction from 58 authors. Print editions should follow shortly, but for now you need only exchange your email address to get a DRM-free ePub, MOBI or PDF copy of the book. The anthology is only available for a short while--until the Campbell is awarded at Worldcon, sometime this summer--so get on it while you can!

Event Horizon 2018--a free anthology of authors eligible for the John W. Campbell award


TAGS: award, free

5:01pm, 13th March 2017

Event Horizon 2017 - the Campbell Anthology

Event Horizon 2017 anthology cover The John W Campbell Award for Best New Writer is awarded at Worldcon each year, alongside the Hugos, for the best new writer (defined as having their first professional publication in the preceding two years).

Muggins here is eligible for the first year, and so I'm in the 2017 anthology of Campbell eligible authors, Event Horizon 2017. It has 75 authors, 350,000 words, and some absolutely incredible stories. And it's free.

Particular thanks to Jake Kerr of Shirtsleeve Press, who stepped up to the mark at the very last minute and put this together in a fortnight when it became clear the previous publisher was dropping the task. He's volunteered his time and infrastructure to put this together and support the Campbell authors, and it's deeply appreciated.


TAGS: award, free



Matt Dovey is a writer of short speculative fiction. He is very tall, very British, and probably drinking a cup of tea right now. His surname rhymes with “Dopey”, but any other similarities to the dwarf are purely coincidental. More →

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"Well played," muttered Rogers, the majordomo of the Wanderers' Club, amidst the gentlemanly utterances of "Good show," "Hear, hear," and even "Huzzah" as Sir Algernon Hogshead finished his tale with a dramatic flourish.

Though not so socially gregarious as to partake in the verbal bonhomie, I thumped my ivory serpent's-head cane a few times, myself, in collegial support of my frenetic friend as his bizarre, but well-told, tale had come to its breathtaking and remarkable conclusion. Truth told, the hubbub of excited utterances and exclamations regarding Sir Hogshead's fanciful quest were well-said, but, greater truth yet, I had become more and more pensive and apprehensive as the tale progressed.

I knew what was coming next. Not within the story, but after.

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