Squalor and Sympathy, by Adrian Massaro, Golden Brush winner 2016Happy days! My first ever audio production is available today as PodCastle episode 427, brilliantly narrated by Louise Ratcliffe with a proper Lancashire accent.

If you're here from PodCastle, then firstly—hi! Thank you for remembering to look me up after you finished listening. That's quite something, and it means a lot. The artwork mentioned in the show notes is on the right, by the incredibly talented Adrian Massaro. It honestly gave me shivers the first time I saw it.

If you want to keep up with future happenings—there's a couple more stories in the pipeline already—you can sign up to my mailing list on the right, or find my Facebook and Twitter further down. If you want to see what else I have published right now, I've got you covered there too.

If you enjoyed the story, you might also want to check out the full anthology it was in, Writers of the Future vol 32. The other writers in there are going places, I'm telling you, and the artwork is stunning.

Audio fiction is a format I have deep and abiding affection for, not only from my hour-long commute these days but going way back to family holidays with the caravan and listening to cassette tapes of Adrian Mole and Johnny and the Bomb, so hearing my own words read out has been slightly surreal and completely wonderful.


TAGS: podcast, wotf32