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Matt Dovey

11:20am, 22nd November 2016

Awards Eligibility 2016

It is that time of year where, across the globe, writers are chasing their brain weasels into cages, pulling up a lectern, and nervously presenting their awards eligible work for 2016.

So ignore the plasters on my fingers (the weasels were a bit bitey) and instead let me direct you to The List of Things What I Have Written This Year What I Think You Might Like, Iffn It Please You, Thank You Sirs and Ladies and All Inbetween and Outside Those Narrow Gender Definitions.

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TAGS: award

5:00pm, 20th April 2016

WotF Golden Pen winner 2016

So this happened.

Not only that, but my illustrator, Adrian Massaro, won the Golden Brush award--the first time in contest history that one story has won both awards.

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TAGS: award, news, wotf32

8:00pm, 20th March 2016

Shortlisted for the James White Award 2016

Absolutely delighted to announce that I've been shortlisted for the 2016 James White Award for best new writer, supported by the British Science Fiction Association and Interzone. The winner should be announced around 18:00 GMT on Saturday 26th March at Mancunicon; the prize is publication in Interzone, which is huge--it's pretty much the only British SF magazine left standing, and is one of the most respected and reputable venues in the field.

Suffice to say: I am full of excitement.


TAGS: award, news



Matt Dovey is a writer of short speculative fiction. He is very tall, very British, and probably drinking a cup of tea right now. His surname rhymes with “Dopey”, but any other similarities to the dwarf are purely coincidental. More →

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