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Matt Dovey

8:44pm, 26th April 2016

#WotF32 Giveaway

Signed copy of Writers of the Future 32Let's do a #WotF32 giveaway.

All you have to do is sign up for my newsletter in the next week--between now and launch day, May 3rd 2016--and I'll pick a name to get a signed copy on launch day. Anywhere in the world. That easy--I just want your email address, and I don't even ask you to type it twice to check your spelling. I actually couldn't make it easier.

For reference, I have had that mailing list for two months and not sent a damn thing out on it. This isn't a lot of spam you're signing up for.


TAGS: wotf32

5:00pm, 20th April 2016

WotF Golden Pen winner 2016

So this happened.

Not only that, but my illustrator, Adrian Massaro, won the Golden Brush award--the first time in contest history that one story has won both awards.

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TAGS: award, news, wotf32



Matt Dovey is a writer of short speculative fiction. He is very tall, very British, and probably drinking a cup of tea right now. His surname rhymes with “Dopey”, but any other similarities to the dwarf are purely coincidental. More →

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A faint ringing of metal on metal, the tink! of a coin glancing against a stone wall, a pause before the soft, final landing, and the day's work begins anew. I briefly consider ignoring the summons, as I do every dank, dark morning, but the memory of my mother's words chide me from my nest of leaves and moss.

I push myself to my hands and knees and feel something squelch under my palm.

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