12:05am, 30th October 2015
New Story: Elm & Sorrow
It wouldn't be much of a writer's website without some writing on it, would it?
TAGS: new story
12:05am, 30th October 2015
It wouldn't be much of a writer's website without some writing on it, would it?
TAGS: new story
10:00pm, 29th October 2015
Everything has a beginning, if you sort of squint your eyes and don't look too closely and pretend you can't see all that other stuff that's in the way. This is one of those beginnings.
TAGS: waffle
Matt Dovey is a writer of short speculative fiction. He is very tall, very British, and probably drinking a cup of tea right now. His surname rhymes with “Dopey”, but any other similarities to the dwarf are purely coincidental. More →
You're not a person, they say, circling. You're one of Them. From the other side.
”Hooded eyes stare with fierce intensity across the scarred oak table as the creature looms out of the shadows. "I had never thought to see another..." he muses.
I nod my glass of claret in Adam's direction. The dregs glint like drops of spilled blood in the candlelight.
”Anatomy of a Golden Pen apology appearance award Dublin2019 fermi paradox free Glasgow2024 harm homebrew interview lessons new story news nonsense podcast politics responsibilities retrospective roundup science science fiction waffle wotf32 writing
Yes, you're right. I can see how the ships look like the black skeletons of birds, burned and splayed across the sky. No, no, it makes sense. I just had to squint my eyes first to see it, that's all.
All content (text and images) is © Matt Dovey 2025 unless otherwise noted.
2-column layout based on design by Matthew James Taylor.
Background photo by NASA / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt / Seán Doran.