12:00am, 17th February 2022
ephemera post-reading... post
If I have cast the bones correctly, this post should be magically going up just as ephemera 27: Companionship is starting on YouTube. My theory being, hopefully, that you're coming here to get the rest of the story I just read a bit of! In which case GOOD NEWS I have foreseen your need and prepared links for you:
- you can read the story in text here; if you want to carry on where I left off, start from here.
- if you'd prefer to continue in audio, you can listen to Matthew James Hamblin's narration for Podcastle here or anywhere you'd normally grab a podcast—look for episode 667 in your podcatcher/Spotify/iTunes/etc. Pick up where I left off from 16m47s.
Did you miss the live reading? WELL GOOD NEWS FOR YOU TOO the video is on YouTube and I've embedded it for you after the jump:
TAGS: appearance