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Matt Dovey

A photo of Matt Dovey, smiling, dressed in a white shirt, black waistcoat and purple tie, photographed against an out-of-focus background of leaves

Matt Dovey is a writer of science fiction and fantasy short stories. He is very tall, very British, and most likely drinking a cup of tea right now. Although his surname rhymes with “Dopey”, any other similarities to the dwarf are purely coincidental.

He's the host of PodCastle, and a member of Codex Writers and the Villa Diodati writers group. He's trying to quit social media, but still sometimes pops up on BlueSky and Instagram.

You can start reading stories now, for free: there's 24 to choose from so far, but if you're not sure where to start he'd recommend The Bone Poet & God for fantasy or Energy Power Gets What She Wants for science fiction. There's even a couple of horror. You can also listen to him narrate others' stories, or find out more about him.

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They surround us both in the school car park, enough of them that numbers don't matter, their shadows snatching the hot sun from our faces. Boys stalking like hyenas; a pack mentality of cruelty and fear.

Madeleine hides behind me. I try to stand tall and brave for her sake, to show her the only honest way to justify your existence in this world: pride.

They Say

11:21am, 16th March 2024

It's Been a While

Man, I am bad at updating this website. I mean, I have low expectations of myself, but even then I am limboing under them like a champ.

Anyway. In brief, for posterity:

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TAGS: appearance, Glasgow2024, news

11:29am, 29th December 2022

2022: the Year the Years Caught Up

A baby raccoon walking through green grass, one paw raisedI usually have complicated feelings about awards season, but they're much easier this year:

I didn't have anything published this year. Nothing. Not a thing.

That's the first year since I was published that I haven't been published.

I guess I should dig into that, as self-forgiveness if nothing else.

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TAGS: roundup

12:00am, 17th February 2022

ephemera post-reading... post

If I have cast the bones correctly, this post should be magically going up just as ephemera 27: Companionship is starting on YouTube. My theory being, hopefully, that you're coming here to get the rest of the story I just read a bit of! In which case GOOD NEWS I have foreseen your need and prepared links for you:

Did you miss the live reading? WELL GOOD NEWS FOR YOU TOO the video is on YouTube and I've embedded it for you after the jump:

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TAGS: appearance

1:31pm, 10th February 2022

ephemera Reading - 16th Feb

The word "ephemera" over the skeleton of a deer The ephemera reading series has been run by Jen R. Albert and KT Bryski for a few years now, and featured some incredible writers during that time.

Rather excitingly, I'm now going to be one of them.

ephemera 27: Companionship will be live on YouTube on Wednesday 16th February at 7pm EST (so 0:00 Thursday 17th Feb UTC--going to be a late night for me) and will also feature readings by Vanessa Fogg and Tiffany Morris, plus a visual performance by Illestpreacha. I'll be reading an excerpt from a short; you should come watch, so you too can find out if I can pull off wearing my usual waistcoat-and-tie writer uniform over pyjama bottoms.


TAGS: appearance

4:01pm, 22nd January 2022

Clouds in a Clear Blue Sky on the BSFA Longlist

There weren't no good way to say Colin, mate, this is shit, you don't deserve it, but we bloody love you and we'll get through it, alright? Cos no matter how you said it his head was too full of angry buzzing to hear it. Clouds in a Clear Blue Sky. Matt Dovey / PodCastle #667. BSFA Longlist 2022

Well, this was an unexpected surprise this morning. Clouds in a Clear Blue Sky, as published in PodCastle episode #667 last year, is on the BSFA longlist for Best Short Fiction. This is my first time on the BSFA longlist, and it means a lot that a story so deliberately soaked in Britishness has found itself on a British longlist.

BSFA members can vote on the list from now until February 21st.


TAGS: award

12:34pm, 3rd January 2022

2021 in Stories

2021 Stories - Matt DoveyThe lag in publishing is a funny old thing. To wit: I've not done any new writing since about Easter 2019, thanks to real life, and yet in 2021 I had four new originals come out, which were--in my estimation--probably my best work.

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TAGS: roundup



Matt Dovey is a writer of short speculative fiction. He is very tall, very British, and probably drinking a cup of tea right now. His surname rhymes with “Dopey”, but any other similarities to the dwarf are purely coincidental. More →

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You're not a person, they say, circling. You're one of Them. From the other side.

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Tomorrow they would send a message faster than the speed of light--or not. If they succeeded, they would make history. If they failed, it wouldn't be because of George Conrad's equipment. He left when everyone else did but returned to test each circuit in the prototype of the QE terminal. He got more done when working late.

Different Paths by Henry McFarland
StarshipSofa #608


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