A Lego man wearing a baseball cap and holding a spade stands by a yellow flowerIt's August, and I've made zero new posts so far this year. Ouch.

In my defence, it has been a year. As was 2018. As was 2017. Hmm. But it'll let up at some point, right?


Herewith, then, a few overdue updates collected together as briefly as I can manage (he says, laughing)

I'll be at Dublin WorldCon 2019

I will! It'll be my first! Say hello to me! I'm on absolutely no programming whatsoever, because a first WorldCon is nerve-wracking enough without adding a first panel on there too, so you'll have to just spot me as I wander the halls looking dazed and confused. I'll look very much like I do in all my press kit photos, waistcoat and all, though if you could refrain from commenting on how grey and tired I look in real life that would help my battered ego somewhat.

Stories came out

Two of them! And an audio reprint! I have been keeping all the good news from you, haven't I?

Why Aren't Millennials Continuing Traditional Worship of the Elder Dark? (Diabolical Plots, April 2019) is, as the title hopefully suggests, first-and-foremost a pisstake of all the very terrible journalism that goes on about millennials these days. But it's also about traditions between generations, and what we inherit, and what is ours to accept or change as suits us.

Skyscrapers lit in neon lights rise from the mist at night Remember to Breathe (Cast of Wonders, July 2019) is a short (2k!) science fiction piece about two gay kids daring a lot to share a kiss in a future San Francisco swamped in algae-filled fog. It's short, it's sweet, it's guaranteed not to be a queer tragedy (and I hereby promise publicly to never write any such story), and you can listen instead of read if you prefer.

Speaking of listening, The Bone Poet & God (my favourite published story so far) was reprinted in PodCastle in June, with an absolutely superb narration by Eliza Chan. When I was writing the story I used Eliza's voice in my head to guide it, she was the only person I wanted to narrate it, and it still turned out even better than I could have hoped. It's amazing. You have to listen, even if you've read it before. I can't tell you how good it is.

I got interviewed

After I mused out loud on Twitter about how no-one ever interviews me, Leo McBride of Altered Instinct kindly offered to fulfil my hopes and dreams, and sent me a list of questions that I answered at great length. Find out just how hilariously nerdy I was at ten years old in the school playground!

I read out loud

Repeatedly! There's at least three new narrations in the list since I last posted here, and there's more coming up too.


TAGS: Dublin2019, interview, new story